Our Organization
We strive to be inclusive, collaborative, and accountable, as well as open to diverse input. These values are the heart of how we reflect, learn, and improve for the well-being of our clients and staff.
The John Howard Society of Nova Scotia is nationally-affiliated and connected to 65 regional offices across Canada. We offer support, compassion, and practical help to all people regardless of background. As a non-profit charity, we are governed by a volunteer board of directors. Our current Board Members and latest Annual Report and Meeting Minutes follow. For any other years, contact us at the numbers below.
The John Howard Society of Canada receives support from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, and fundraises for special projects and programs.
Charitable # 1189 75093 RR 001
Joint Stocks Registration # 127 3349
Annual Report & Annual Meeting 2022
With thanks to our 2022-2023 Board of Directors
President Carolyn O’Malley (Human Resources Business Partner, NS Department of Justice), Vice-President Alexander McKillop (Lawyer, MacKillop Pictou Law Group), Treasurer Jane MacMaster (Tenant Relations Officer, Eastern Mainland Housing), and Past-President Janice Fiander (Service Manager, Basin District - Halifax Public Libraries). Directors include Janis Aitken (Provincial Program Officer - NS Correctional Services), Louise Gray (Chief Executive Officer, NOFASD Australia), Alisha Brown-Fagan (Executive Director – Strategic Initiatives, Office of Equity and Anti-Racism Initiatives), Charnell Brooks (African Nova Scotian Social Worker, Nova Scotia Legal Aid), Peter Brown (National Program Coordinator, 7th Step Society of Canada), and Pierre Hanna (Ledgers Canada).
We work with people who have come into conflict with the law. In doing so, we review, evaluate, and advocate for change in the criminal justice process. We engage in public education on matters relating to criminal law and its application, and promote crime prevention through community activities. More specifically, the Society engages in the following:
We are active, strategic, and in frequent contact with the media, key government policy analysis, advisors and politicians and committees.
We develop and share briefs on matters of national and provincial importance.
We share information among members and our board, raising public awareness.
We share information, materials, and resources with other like-minded organizations, and facilitate many joint projects with other John Howard societies.
We strengthen the provincial office to further our objectives as a whole.
We supervise and assist with community reintegration, and we support families.