The Nova Ramp Up! program was designed to increase access to businesses and organizations in the Pictou area by offering temporary access ramps for single step store fronts.
The vibrant coloured ramps were constructed by our partners at the Northeast Nova Scotia Correctional Facility. The ramps were provided for free, with a $50 donation to the John Howard Society of Nova Scotia encouraged in return for a charitable tax receipt.
The NOVA RAMP UP project was coordinated by the John Howard Society of Nova Scotia in partnership with, Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate, the Northeast Nova Scotia Correctional Facility, the Planning for Equity, Accessibility and Community Health (PEACH) Research Unit at Dalhousie University, and Recreation Nova Scotia. Funding is provided by the Business ACCESS-Ability Grant Program as run by the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
Project Summary
This pilot project built brightly colored, removeable, custom ramps as a temporary measure for single-step entryways with a rise no higher than between 3 to 12 inches in height with an entryway least 32 inches in width. The pilot project has now concluded. View the project report on this page.
The ramps were custom designed to fit the height of the step. They were made of wood, are lightweight, treated with high-grade exterior paint and come with handles so they could be easily transported.
No permit was required for a portable ramp. When in use, ensure it is level and flush against the step with no gaps. When not in use, ramps are stored in a safe location.
The pilot project provided businesses with a window sticker for the entrance so anyone passing by could request the ramp be brought out. Business could also add their ramp to the CANdid Access web map which indicates an accessible entrance.
Upon receiving the ramp businesses signed a waiver to take on responsibility and any risk associated with using the ramp on a requested basis.
For this pilot project, the ramps provided were a temporary solution to bridge the gap to permanent improvements. Funding was granted through the Business ACCESS-Ability Grant Program and the Community ACCESS-Ability Grant Program.